Integration of Science and Religion and Its Impact on the World of Education in Indonesia (Islamic Religion)

Dewi Teti Setiawati


Education is not only an activity to transfer knowledge, but to transform the values of truth, justice, honesty, education must also develop, can be through anything, one of which is through the integration of science and religion, where science and agam are collaborated so that it can add insight to science and add love to God who has created knowledge and others because in essence knowledge is only God who has and created. Therefore, this study aims to explain the results of research on the integration of science and religion and its impact on education in Indonesia, the method used in this study is qualitative through a literature study approach, the results of the discussion in this study illustrate that the integration of science and religion needs to be carried out properly so that it can add to broader science.
Keywords: integration, science, religion,education.

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