Integration of Islamic Religious Education in the Use of Technology in the Era of Society 5.0
This paper was compiled to answer the integration of Islamic religious education in
utilizing technology in the era of society 5.0 which was initiated by the Japanese state.
In the era of industry 4.0, which was initiated by Germany, where human roles were
replaced by intelligent robot technology, there was a decline in human existence. To
anticipate existing global trends, the transition to the era of society 5.0 was carried out
with the concept of focusing on the development of technology-based aspects of human
life, especially in the field of Islamic religious education. The integration of Islamic
religious education in utilizing technology in the era of society 5.0 is where the learning
process of an educator who provides material is supported by utilizing the surrounding
technology without eliminating the element of social interaction between educators
and students. Because, nowadays, students are not interested in the learning system to
accept or absorb rigidly the Islamic religious subject matter they receive. Students will
demand religious education material that we convey in accordance with the reality in
life. The purpose of this paper is for readers, especially Islamic religious education
teachers, to be able to compete in the face of the era of society 5.0 by utilizing existing
technology in the surrounding environment. The method of writing this article is
Library Research, using qualitative descriptive techniques by collecting data and
reviewing library sources. The conclusion of this article is that as an educator, especially
a teacher of Islamic religious education, you should have high innovation and creativity
in terms of using technology during the teaching and learning process, in order to make
the material taught more interesting and students become more enthusiastic about
Keyword: Integration of Islamic Religious Education (;) Utilization of Technology (;)
Era Society 5.0.
Full Text:
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