Integration of Religious Values in Learning in Eliminating the Demoralization of Generation Alpha in Indonesia
It is often found that children belonging to Generation Alpha are especially fond of playing with gadgets or smartphones. But behind the fun, they ignore the other side of life, namely how to behave in social. Even to their parents, they are often ignored when they are busy with their devices. This is a reflection that the current Generation Alpha, especially in Indonesia, needs more intense guidance. The purpose of this paper is to find out the strategies that are carried out so that the unification of religious values in learning is carried out, and whether by including religious values in learning can erode demoralization in Generation Alpha. The type of research that the author takes is library research, a research that examines using library data. The results of the study found that; the strategy is carried out so that the process of integrity of religious values is carried out by integrating values in learning activities by linking the material presented with moral values, or the value of monotheism to God. And also by using words related to the character of students, as well as using religious symbols during teaching and learning activities.
Keyword: Integration of Religious Values; Learning; the Demoralization of Generation Alpha
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