The Concept Of Science Integration In The Qur'an Perspective In Addressing Islamic Education

Mhd. Rizkiy Bahar Siregar


The background of scientific integration in advancing Islamic education is the formation of a scientific dualism or dichotomy between general science and religious science. This has implications for various aspects of education within the Muslim community, including the ummah's perspective on science and education, educational institutions, educational curricula, and general psychology of the ummah. The dichotomy of science in Islam has been around for a long time, manifested by the existence of Islamic boarding schools, madrasas and schools. However, Islamic education continues to strive to erode the dichotomy by advancing Islamic education to realize scientific integration between religious and general sciences. This journal uses descriptive qualitative and phenomenological research methods. Formal educational institutions such as private and public schools with a dominant general knowledge curriculum are limited in shaping the intellectual intelligence of the next generation that is not matched by emotional and spiritual intelligence. Islamic education-based institutions such as Islamic boarding schools and madrasas only focus on religious knowledge and have not been able to form graduates who are ready to face the world of work. Religious and general knowledge which is integrated by Islamic institutions, madrasas and schools in one institutional tent, commonly known as a boarding school, seems to be an effort to advance the ideal Islamic education today. Islamic education-based institutions such as Islamic boarding schools and madrasas only focus on religious knowledge and have not been able to form graduates who are ready to face the world of work. Religious and general knowledge which is integrated by Islamic institutions, madrasas and schools in one institutional tent, commonly known as a boarding school, seems to be an effort to advance the ideal Islamic education today. Islamic education-based institutions such as Islamic boarding schools and madrasas only focus on religious knowledge and have not been able to form graduates who are ready to face the world of work. Religious and general knowledge which is integrated by Islamic institutions, madrasas and schools in one institutional tent, commonly known as a boarding school, seems to be an effort to advance the ideal Islamic education today.
Keyword: integration, science, Islamic education

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