Application of Technology in the Process of Learning Multimedia Based Hadis
This study aims to determine the role of technology in the multimedia-based hadith learning process. The method used in this research is field research with an approach through observation. From the results of observations that have been made, it is known that the application of a multimedia-based teaching and learning process using several electronic devices has a significant impact and a positive impact on both teachers as teaching staff and students. As educators, teachers find it easy to find and access hadiths that will become teaching materials, so there is no need to bring various kinds of classic books into the classroom, this will speed up the process of delivering learning materials explained by the teacher council to students. . And as students, students can better understand and understand the learning material provided, with the concept of seeing hadith texts through media displays, and listening directly to explanations regarding the faidah hadiths being discussed, providing more stimulus for students in understanding the learning material presented. by the teacher council.
Keywords: Multimedia Technology, Hadis Learning, Outcomes.
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