Integration of Educational Values in Marriage Customs of the Natal Coastal Community In Kab. Mandailing Natal
This study aims to determine the marriage customs that are still preserved in the coastal communities of Natal in Kab. Mandailing Natal and to find out the values of Islamic education contained in the marriage customs of the Natal coastal community in Kab. Mandailing Natal.
This research is a field research (field research) with a phenomenological approach which is descriptive in nature related to the marriage customs of the Pesisir Natal community. Data collection techniques in the form of, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the marriage customs that are still preserved in the coastal communities of Natal are (1) Adat before marriage: the process of finding a mate (matchmaking), manendei, ma anta tando, engaged. (2) the customs in the marriage process: bakaun package, mandudukken urang tuo, jo na mudo-mudo, tagak banda, manta ine, mato alek, diki procession, pasumanden wine, mangolok, bacuku, marriage contract, marathon wine, arak- procession. (3) The custom of a wedding reception is only held by the bride and groom, such as entertainment with kibotan. (4) customs after the marriage process: manjalang karumah mintuo, spend the night at the in-laws house, sit in the morning jo patang, manjalang. The educational values contained in the marriage process of the coastal communities of Natal are as follows: at the stage of the procession before marriage: (1) matchmaking has the value of religious fiqh education, namely carrying out the Prophet's sunnah, (2) manendei there is the value of moral education, namely staying in touch, (3) there is a value of moral education, namely helping, (4) there is a value of religious education, namely sincerity, and the value of moral education, namely helping to help, and also the value of religious fiqh education, namely the responsibility of the husband. Then at the stage of the wedding procession: (1) the bakaun package has the value of moral education, namely helping to help, (2) manduduken urang tuo, there is the value of moral education, namely mutual respect (3) tagak banda there is the value of moral education, mutual cooperation (4) maanta Ine there is the value of moral education, namely morality towards husbands (5) mato alek there is the value of moral education, namely respecting guests, and helping, and friendship, (6) pasumanden arak has the value of religious fiqh education, which is devotion to both parents ( 7) In reading, there is the value of moral education, namely morals towards oneself (8) the marriage contract has the value of religious fiqh education, namely carrying out the Prophet's sunnah, (9) badendang-dendang has the value of moral education, namely advice (10) marathon has educational value morals, namely family and community morals, (11) there are moral education values, namely morals towards oneself and the value of akidah education, namely good at the Koran. And at the stage of the wedding reception there is the value of moral education, which is to honor the teangga and the community. In the stages after marriage customs: (1) manjalang karumah mintuo, there is a value of moral education, namely staying in touch, and the value of religious fiqh education, namely being devoted to both parents, (2) spending the night at the in-law's house there is a value of moral education, namely silaturrahmi (3) sitting in the morning jo patang there is the value of religious fiqh education, namely the obligation to attack the wife and husband, (4) where there is the value of moral education, namely silaturrahmi.
Keywords: Islamic Educational Values; Islam Values; Marriage customs of coastal communities in Mandailing Natal
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