Wahdatul Ulum Paradigm
In Western scientific theory, the ontology of science is only empirical (feasible), which is visible by discarding the metaphysical, which is not visible. It is certainly related to the efforts of Auguste Comte (1798-1857), the French philosopher who threw away metaphysics in his Positivism philosophy, and this thought colored the thinking of Western scientists. Wahdatul 'Ulum made the empirical and metaphysical as the ontology of science, so that it merged (wahdah). Regarding epistemology, Western theory formulates only two sources of knowledge, namely ratio (reason) and empirical (sense), apart from which these two are considered not science (science), at most pseudo science (science of cans). Therefore in wahdatul 'ulum, the source of knowledge besides reason and senses, as well as the heart is called intuition and revelation which is called transcendentalism.
Keywords : Paradigm; Science; Wahdatul Ulum
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