Integration of Islamic Religious Education in Communication Politeness of IT Khairul Imam Elementary School Students
This study was conducted to examine the integration of Islamic Religious Education in Integrated Islamic schools in the realm of student communication courtesy. The method used is descriptive qualitative research. Politeness in communicating with teachers and colleagues is sometimes neglected in this day and age. Even though communication in the form of verbal has an impact on social interaction as well as non-verbal communication, even in the world of work communication is very important and becomes an added value if there is politeness in communication, as well as in the educational environment. Language is done at an early age through habituation and modeling from parents is applied from an early age through education in the family, such as inculcating an attitude of politeness in communication. There is added value for families who integrate Islamic Religious Education in their daily lives and which children will bring to their play environment and to their school environment.
Keywords : integration, communication, Islamic religious education, polite, polite
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