Integration of Ecology Implementation in Islamic Education Concept
Integration in Islamic education can create and produce productive and quality human works for education that provides knowledge. Where this form of integration of Islamic education is to accept criticism from differences of opinion because in accordance with the meaning of this integration it can combine all different opinions so that unity and unity are formed. The relationship between human ecology and nature is interrelated because it is from nature that humans can live so that living things interact with their environment. As for this research using library research (library research), with a sociological approach. The results of this research study include: the integration of Islamic education in the implementation of ecology is to provide teaching and learning in every education. With a foundation of ecological education including: Al-Qur'an and Hadith, policy and science. Which aims to shape humans to have moral and moral responsibilities and full awareness of their nature as humans. On the other hand, from within every problem of the integration of Islamic education in ecology, there is a solution to each problem in order to achieve the ecological goals of Islamic education.
Keywords : Ecology, Integration, Education
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