Models of Integration of Science and Building Efforts Islamic Scientific Foundation
Islam as a scientific construction has a pattern in developing various aspects of life including education, philosophy and general science or other secular sciences. The purpose of this research is to find out the model of integration of knowledge in Islam that is used to build Islamic scholarship. The method used in this research is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative research approach. The results that can be summarized by the author are as follows: There are several models of integration of knowledge that are used to build the foundation of Islamic scholarship from various sources that we summarized in this study, namely 1) the IFIAS model (a model of knowledge integration in which a scientist must account for all his activities to God, 2) ASASI model (the view that science is inseparable from Islamic principles), 3) the Islamic Worldview model (in the view of Islam there is an Islamic scientific structure in it), 4) the SPI model (comprehensive relationship between science and religion), 5) Classical Philosophy Model. The conclusion of this study is that there is still a strong public perception that science and religion are separate from each other. Both have their own territory or field. Therefore, Islamic Education experts, in particular, integrate Islamic knowledge into this field as the basis of Islamic scholarship for the next generation.
Keyword: Islam, Integration Model, Science
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