Integration of Knowledge An Ideal Islamic Education Concept
In this article, it can be explained that it is necessary to integrate educational institutions between pesantren, madrasas and schools in order to erode the dichotomy of science in Islam. Currently, there have been many integrations of Islamic educational institutions with the style of modern boarding schools, in which there are also formal educational institutions, both madrasas and schools. The integration of educational institutions or better known as boarding schools is now an ideal Islamic education and has advantages, among others, the length of time to study (full time), continuing to apply the pesantren tradition, the output of graduates who have more knowledge, which is due to the balance of religious knowledge. and general knowledge provided, and can compete with graduates of schools and madrasas outside the pesantren. So that many parents put their trust in the care of their children to schools that have boarding programs. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the extent to which the integration of knowledge in an ideal Islamic education can erode the dichotomy of science in Islamic educational institutions and institutions. This paper uses a literature study method by collecting information data from several sources such as books, journals and others. This paper will discuss the integration of knowledge, an ideal Islamic education concept that is implemented in Islamic education.
Keyword: Integration of Science, Concept of Islamic Education, Ideal
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