Integration of the Fitrah Concept with the Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering the Character of Children with Disabilities at SLB ABC TPI Medan

Vera Yunita Siregar


This study aims to determine how the role of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering religious character, independence and mutual cooperation. Supporting and inhibiting factors for teachers in developing the character of mentally retarded children in SLB ABC TPI Medan. This study uses a qualitative type of research method with a phenomenological approach, to see naturally the phenomena and to understand the condition of mentally retarded children with all limitations to have good character with the role of Islamic religious education teachers as the front guard. This study uses observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research was data reduction, data presentation and data verification / conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that (1) the role of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering the religious character of mentally retarded children can be seen from attitudes that are never forgotten by children at school such as praying and praying as a form of tolerance and servitude to God Almighty. (2) The independent character seen when writing hurut hijaiyah the teacher requires children to do it themselves as a form of being lifelong learners, working hard, and courage. (3) The character of mutual cooperation can be seen in the material of sacrifice, and the habit of giving alms and giving at the mosque or in the charity box the manifestation of caring, mutual assistance and voluntary attitudes. (4) The supporting factors in fostering character are the existence of good school facilities, monthly and annual religious activities, mutual cooperation programs for the cleanliness of the school environment and competition activities for children. While the inhibiting factors are the types of mental retardation that are moderate, mild and severe, weak intelligence and unclear communication.
Keywords: Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers; Character of children with intellectual disabilities

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