Religious Moderation from the Perspective of Mosque Administrators in North Sumatra-Indonesia

Muhammad Basri


Indonesia is a democratic country so there are often differences in views and interests. The problem that often occurs is related to the lack of moderation in religion, both of the same religion and different religions, whether living in the general public or in a housing complex, all of which are very vulnerable to conflict. Therefore, religious moderation is needed for religious leaders, in this case the mosque administrators in North Sumatra are chosen. This study aims to determine the religious moderation perspective of mosque administrators in North Sumatra. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive study method of analysis. Research data collection using observation, interview and documentation techniques. Observations and interviews were conducted directly to the location of the mosque in Medan City and Deli Serdang, but for the other two mosques, namely the Langkat and Batubara areas, interviews were conducted via WhatsApp phones and recorded, due to long distances. The results and discussion found that the understanding of the implementation of religious moderation from the perspective of mosque administrators is quite good. Religious moderation from the perspective of mosque administrators in North Sumatra, namely how we can bring religious moderation in the midst of society, we also live with other religions. Religious moderation is not also interpreted as not having a stance that can be tossed here and there, but someone must hold his religion well and carry it out according to his beliefs, but must not blame other people's religions and beliefs, especially in terms of muamalah must be tug of war in social life. Fostering tolerance within the religion of Islam, namely by not disputing the differences that exist among Muslims themselves as long as they follow the ahlu sunnah wal jamaah and do not leave Islam. Fostering tolerance towards different religions, namely in terms of social what we can help our fellow human beings help, let alone neighbors, friends like social nature we do together, which is important as long as it does not violate the creed then we do it together.Keywords: Religious; Mosque; Moderation; Perspective; Management

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