Implementation of Religious Moderation in Habituation Greetings as Formation of Students' Religious Character in Review of the Philosophy of Islamic Education
The goal of Islamic education is the formation of religious character in students. One form of religious character is the pronunciation of greetings by students, especially to those who have contributed to them. Consistent pronunciation of greetings can be done with various methods, one of which is the habituation method. This research uses library research sourced from books and scientific journals related to the implementation of the habituation of greetings in the review of Islamic education philosophy. The results of this study indicate that ideas and concepts are needed in the form of programs, so that the habituation method in the pronunciation of greetings can be carried out in a structured and systematic manner. The program certainly starts from educators or teachers who always say greetings to students, either when entering the classroom, or when meeting outside the school. This provides a positive stimulus to students, because they actually observe and imitate what educators do at school.Keywords: Islamic Education, Habituation, Greetings salam.
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