New Media Forum for Religious Moderation, Fragmentation and Contestation of Religious Authorities in North Sumatra: from Local Ulema to Ustaz

Dzul Fadli Sya’bana


This study looks at North Sumatra's social media as a venue for religious fragmentation, moderation, and challenge to religious authorities. In addition to dividing conventional religious authorities, the rise of the Salafi ustadz through modern media has sparked a theological debate in Medan. It's interesting to note that the conflict was between traditional religious leaders rather than between new religious leaders and old religious leaders (or vice versa). In this study, fieldwork and online netnography of "local ulama" and "ustaz Salafi" were combined. According to the study, not all religious players that emerge in new media are considered to be "lumpen-intelligentsia," i.e., religious actors who lack a firm foundation in "religious knowledge." On the one hand, "democratization of religious knowledge" as a result of "technological determinism" gave rise to the fragmentation, shifting, and contestation of religious authority. Due to the rise of the ustadz Salafi and the delocalization of their religious beliefs via internet media, religious messages have spread across more geographic, ethnic, and religious borders.Keywords: New Media, Religious Moderation, Contestation.

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