Religious Moderation in the World

Sabilla Hidayani Br. Tarigan


Since 2019, religious moderation has been the aim of the Ministry of Religion. Moderation in religion is seen as a shield that can maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the Indonesian state amidst the many diversity of nations. It is hoped that a safe, peaceful, moderate and just society will be formed in all aspects of life by understanding and encouraging religious moderation. Given the rise in radicalism and intolerance in Indonesia, religious moderation must be practiced. An instructive stance is a clear goal for the invasion of radicalism and transnationalism which needs to divide the harmony and solidarity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This is where the government needs to step in and make rules that can stop the spread of radical issues. Because they are in direct contact with students, teachers play an important role as educators. As a result, a teacher must also be reasonable, knowledgeable, and aware of how religious moderation is applied. This study aims to examine how religious moderation is applied in the educational environment. bearing in mind the fact that educational institutions function as a gathering place for people from various socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Researchers have compiled a summary of sources relevant to the title of this article by using library research methods.Keywords: Moderation; Education; Religion; World.

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