Moderation of Religion and Its Implementation in the Life of the Nation and State in Indonesia

Arini Siregar


Indonesia is known as a country that has a lot of diversity. This diversity includes religion, culture, language, ethnicity, race, tradition and so on. With the existence of various kinds of diversity, it is undeniable that tensions and conflicts often occur between groups so that it has an impact on harmonious living. The purpose of this writing is to discuss the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia, the modernization of religion in diversity, society in realizing the peace of the Indonesian nation. The methodology used in this research is using literature study. By reviewing some of the available literature, both offline and online libraries using various platforms. The results of this study in multicultural life need understanding and awareness for each individual to respect differences. The great diversity that exists in Indonesia requires an attitude of religious moderation in the form of acknowledging the existence of other parties, having an attitude of tolerance, giving respect to differences of opinion and not putting each other down. Implementation can be done by encouraging the community to continue to develop religious moderation so that a harmonious and peaceful society is formed and realized.Keyword: Moderation; Religion; Indonesia.

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