Religious Moderation in the School Environment

Dwi Indah Handayani


As a result of some people expressing extreme religious sentiments in the name of religion not only on social media but also in public, Indonesia's diversity is currently being tested.  The existence of exclusive, volatile and intolerant groups of individuals in the name of religion poses a challenge to Indonesia. Students' brains are being infiltrated both inside and outside the classroom, leading to a loss of awareness of nationality and a deepening of formalist religious concepts. The half-understanding of religion and focus on the external appearance of religious formality, this article is written to find out how religious moderation in educational institutions, especially in schools. This paper uses the method of librarary research. The results obtained that religious moderation in educational institutions can be applied with the curriculum in schools, both the official curriculum in accordance with government regulations and the hidden curriculum that is applied only in that school. ranging from intracurricular (learning process in the classroom) and extracurricular activities provided by schools to develop student interests, as well as other activities outside of school that can foster a sense of tolerance in students. We can know that religious moderation can be applied at all levels of education, depending on the policies in the school that respond to this. Religious moderation is not only required for society but also in the education area, be it students, teachers, and residents in the school environment. And religious moderation should also be instilled early for children so that when they grow up it is no longer difficult to strengthen it because since childhood it has been given direction or introduction to religious moderation.Keyword: Moderation; Religion; School

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