The Concept Integration of Science and Religion in Education and Learning with Transdisciplinary Approach
The article was compiled because there is a gap between general science and religious science in the world of education that is still happening, namely there are still parties who think that general science and religion stand alone so that they cannot be integrated in the education and learning process. This will certainly have an impact on the learning process and lead to a dichotomy of science models so that an idea is needed on the integration of general science and religion to overcome these problems. The purpose of making this article is so that readers are able to understand how the concept of integrating science and religion in education and learning can then be applied in life, especially in the learning process as a teacher. The method used in making this article is the library method, namely by taking references from various sources of scientific work, namely books, journals and theses to examine the material that will be discussed in the article. Furthermore, this article concludes that the integration of science and religion in education and learning with a transdisciplinary approach really needs to be applied considering the dichotomy of science has occurred, and also as a step in solving various problems in education and learning, besides the essence of the integration of science and religion in education. and learning is to restore human divine values in order to be able to understand knowledge which he then applies as a form of obedience to Allah SWT.
Keywords: Integration of Science and Religion(;) Education(;) Learning(;) Transdiciplinary Approach.
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