Integration of Islamic knowledge And General Knowledge
Talking about the Integration and Islamization of Science Today what Muslim scientists practice occurs because of religious awareness. In totality in the midst of the onslaught of the era of globalization followed by advances in science and technology. By using the concept that Muslims can advance and follow western civilization if they are able to transform knowledge in revelation or are able to understand revelation in developing science. Coupled with the many assumptions that think that science originating from western countries is considered secular knowledge, then the science must be rejected, or at least the knowledge must be translated and interpreted with Islamic understanding. The research method used by the author in this study, is more directed to the use of a content analysis approach model of integration of general sciences with Islamic religious sciences (to Islam) in the sense that the merging of the two sciences is difficult to do as a whole. Examples in medical science will be difficult to find medical theories in the Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, the most important thing to do is how science is not value-free (neutral). So that its use is really in the context of Rahmatal Lil A'alamiin. So Islamic moral values need to be integrated into the general sciences. In integrating Islamic sciences and general sciences, it is better to refer to the Ontological, Epistemological, and Axiological perspectives.
Keywords: Science Integration, Islam, General Science
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