Philosophy and Methodology of Science Integration Studying the Transformation of Islamic Universities in Indonesia

Fachri Husaini Hasibuan


This article try decipher by philosophy and methodology a transformation college the emergence of Islam in Indonesia from conception idea integration science . Transformation of Islamic Higher Education into State Islamic University (UIN) demands a change in scientific thinking. Previously, the practice of Islamic higher education was generally related to the teaching of Islamic sciences, not including the teaching of general sciences, such as Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Whereas both (Islamic science and natural-social science) must be integrated into the practice of Islamic higher education to build a new integrated scientific paradigm. Method research used in this paper is Library Research ( research bibliography ) with technique analysis descriptive qualitative . The analysis is carried out on related data or content with theme discussion and problems under study from sources bibliography .This post critically examines the integration of Islam and Science. Based on the study of three State Islamic Universities (UIN), this article will elaborate on the application of the concept of integrating science and religion in these universities. Each university offers a specific character of integration. UIN Malang, for example, initiated the integration as reflected in the "Tree of Knowledge". UIN Yogyakarta offers the metaphor of the "web of spiders" for connected and integrated Islamic and science projects, while UIN North Sumatra offers the idea of Wahdatul Ulum.
Keywords : Integration of Science , Philosophy , Transformation.

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