The Retreat of Religious Sciences, The Emergence of Dichotomies and the Integration of Science in the World of Education
Islam teaches that the things of this world are not separate from the things of the Hereafter. Therefore, when referring to Islamic teachings, general science must be understood as an integral part of religious studies. However, in practice, many Muslims still distinguish between the two today. From about the ninth to the twelfth centuries, Islamic world thought dominated almost all scientific fields. However, the glory of Islam in the fields of philosophy and science was finally lost with the destruction of the Center for Islamic Studies in Baghdad by the Mongols. The dichotomy of science is the separation between the field of religious science and the field of general science, which in turn gives rise to a new concept called pedagogical dualism, namely religious education and general education. The dichotomy that separates the religious sciences from the general sciences contradicts the concept of Islamic teachings which have integrative teachings, far from the ideals of education itself. In relation to education, rational sciences are called general sciences and later gave birth to public schools. The irrational sciences are called the sciences of Religion, and then a branch of Religion emerged to separate them.
Keywords: Religious Studies, Dichotomy of Science, and Integration of Sciences
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