The Paradigm of Science Development at the Time of Al-Ma'Mun (198-218H/813-833M)
Paradigm can be understood as a set of basic beliefs that lead to the action of scientific research. A person's paradigm of science, shows the attitude of behavior towards the science. Al-Ma'mun was one of the caliphs of the Abbasid State which was included in the golden age ( The Golden Age ). During the reign of the caliph al-Ma'mun, he did many things, especially in developing science. The benefit of this research is to provide information about the history of the paradigm of scientific development in Islamic education in classical times and is still relevant today. This research is entirely a literature study. The result achieved in this research is that the paradigm of the development of science during the caliphate of al-Ma'mun is an integrated development based on monotheism which sees science from an ontological aspect that discusses the universe which is structured as science (science), epistemologically with experimental methods ( ijbari ). and observations made in the laboratory, and axiology where Islam encourages and encourages humans to develop science (science) which is a unity from Allah SWT.
Keywords: Paradigm, Development, Knowledge, Al-Ma'mun
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