Islamic Education, Integration Of Religion And Science
Talking about the interration of scienceand Religion means : A form of effor to integrate or collaborate berween religion and science. The collaboration referred to here does not mean mixing, but combining the two by maintaining the character and characteristics of each. Islam views that integration berween religion and science is a must, because it is based on the idea of oneness ( tauhid). It is time for science and religion to realoze that it is time to cultivate harmonius, holostic, and comprehensive paradigms. The best medium to achieve that goal is education. Efforts to realize science and technology as a unit is Islamic education include : Firs, involving it in the curricullum, namely motivating students so that they have the desire and ability to conduct researsh ( research) in the fields of science and then tind real relationship in religious areas. Second, anvolving it in tha learning process, the teacher is ble to develop creative thinking. The third ivolves sians and relanigion into socio- religious education. Similarly, schilkling said that the fields og science and religion consist of three elements, namely : experience, theoretical interpretion, and practical application. As Coulson puts it “ advance to creative imagination “ and not “ just gathering fact”. Religion Inevitably has to “involve critical reflection on expriences no different from thos in science”. Religion and science are related to each other. Barbour. ( 1968: 3-29). Regarding the relationship between science and relogion, Ian G. Barbour ( 2002: 44) also formulated 4 elements, namely: Conflict,Independence, Dialogue and Integration. This unification of views will foster mutual respect and respect for differences in religious beliefs.
Keyword: Education, Integration, Religion and science, Holistic and Tauhid.
Full Text:
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