Independent Leaning Curriculum Development With a Transdisciplinary Approach To Have Ulul Albab Character in Students
In developing the independent curriculum, transdisciplinary learning approaches can be used as a scientific approach in curriculum development. The transdisciplinary approach is an approach in the study or study and research of a problem, using the perspectives of various disciplines, to solve problems, from the beginning of the discussion to drawing conclusions or solving the problem. In this context, the researcher approaches by means of descriptive qualitative research. Meanwhile, for data collection techniques using studies from several literatures (literature studies). Develop an independent learning curriculum using a transdisciplinary approach, namely with materials that are expected to be able to provide a solid and broad scientific and skill base for graduates to enter the workforce, develop themselves, and pursue education. With the implementation of the independent learning curriculum, it is expected to have Ulul Albab character in students. The Ulul Albab character possessed by students in the learning process of the independent curriculum learns using a transdisciplinary approach.
Keyword: Independent Learning Curriculum; Transdisciplinary Approach; Ulul Albab
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