Integration Of Science In Education
Integration comes from ideas about the existence of a dichotomy, such as between the religious sciences and the general sciences. There are many factors that cause the existence of these sciences to be dichotomy or unfriendly/harmonious, due to the causes of differences at the ontological, epistemological and axiological levels of the two fields of science. The impact of a dichotomy like this eventually gives birth to educational outputs that are incomplete and have an imbalance between science and moral ethics, even though in a statement said by Albert Einstein "science without religion is blind, religion without science is lame" In order to give a spiritual touch to science This requires the integration of knowledge. The integration referred to here is to incorporate substantive values from Islam into scientific buildings, both at the epistemological, ontological, and axiological levels. In its implementation, there are two models of integration of knowledge carried out by experts, namely the first by means of Islamization of general sciences, and the second by way of choice if it can be integrated then integration is carried out, but if it cannot be integrated then dialogue or interconnection is carried out.
Keywords : Science Integration, Dichotomy, Islamization, Interaction
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