Integration of Knowledge in Integrated Islamic Basic Education
The integration of science and religion in basic education is an urgent matter considering that science and religion are something that cannot be separated in life. Education is not everything but everything starts with education. Integrated Islamic basic education seeks to provide an educational model that is able to integrate qauliyah and kauniyah sciences in the form of a learning process so that it is expected to be able to produce quality Islamic generations both academically and mentally and spiritually. The Integrated Islamic Basic Education System builds a complete scientific paradigm, based on 'Ilmullah'. This research method uses library research methods, namely examining data sources consisting of literature related to the Integration of Science in Islamic basic education. The concept of Integrated Islamic basic education is intended as a reinforcement in the cultivation of Islamic teachings. In order to convey a complete, comprehensive, integral Islam. With the spirit of developing the basic potential of the younger generation of Islam to become students who are intelligent, have noble character, have strong faith, have a strong body, broad insight, love the homeland and have empathy, through integrated curriculum guidelines, exemplary educators, inculcating good habits. This condition is the hope for the rise of a generation of Muslims who are able to lead in the future.
Keywords: Knowledge Integration, Basic Education, Integrated Islam.
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