Tradisi Tahlilan dalam Acara Kematian (Hubungan Erat dengan Budaya, Praktek Negatif, dan Implikasi Ekonomi bagi Keluarga yang Berduka)
The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method with a literature study approach. To explore the understanding of the close relationship between the tahlilan tradition and culture, as well as to identify potential negative practices and economic implications that may occur, this qualitative method with a literature study approach will help researchers gather in-depth and qualitative information about the researched topic. The data sources used in this study are derived from literature such as books and journals published in the last 10 years. The research findings indicate that the tahlilan tradition refers to a series of religious events conducted collectively and with a loud voice. This series of tahlilan events involves reading several verses and surahs from the Qur'an, such as al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, al-Nas, Ayat al-Kursi, the beginning, and the end of surah al-Baqarah, as well as reciting various types of remembrance (dzikir) such as tahlil, tasbih, tahmid, shalawat, and others. The tahlilan event is then concluded with prayers and a meal which is usually considered blessed and will be provided to the guests and participants of the event. Negative practices of the tahlilan tradition and their economic implications include excessive spending and increasing debts, commercialization of the event and extortion, as well as neglecting financial priorities. The solutions to address these practices include education and socialization, promoting prudent spending habits,collaboration with religious institutions and mosque authorities, and implementing religious values and ethics.Keywords: Economic Implications; Negative Practices; Tahlilan Tradition.
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